Media coverage

Regenerate: Nature Can Help Heal the Planet | An Optimist’s Guide to the Planet

5 October, 2022
By Matt McGrath , Environment correspondent
By Matt McGrath , Environment correspondent
Environment: Plastic degrading enzymes found in wax worm saliva

Tue 4 Oct 2022
By Damian Carrington – Environment editor
By Damian Carrington – Environment editor
Wax worm saliva rapidly breaks down plastic bags, scientists discover

October 4, 2022
By Will Dunham
By Will Dunham
Lowly wax worm’s saliva may boost fight against plastic pollution

October 11, 2022
By Yoanna Herrera et AFP
By Yoanna Herrera et AFP
La bave de larves, l’arme du futur contre la pollution plastique ?

October 7, 2022
By Matt McGrath
BBC News, Corresponsal de Medio Ambiente
By Matt McGrath
BBC News, Corresponsal de Medio Ambiente
Cómo la saliva de un gusano puede ayudar a descomponer el plástico y combatir la contaminación

October 5, 2022
By By Guy Birchall, news reporter
By By Guy Birchall, news reporter
Worm’s saliva found to break down plastic in major pollution breakthrough

April 24, 2017
By Carrie Arnold, National Geographic
By Carrie Arnold, National Geographic
This Bug Can Eat Plastic. But Can It Clean Up Our Mess?
Scientists have discovered that wax worms can eat plastic bags. Could that help us reduce plastic pollution?

Updated 1820 GMT (0220 HKT) April 24, 2017
By AJ Willingham, CNN
By AJ Willingham, CNN
How a plastic-munching caterpillar could help save the earth
Even the smallest among us can be big heroes. Take the lowly wax worm, for instance. The larva of the greater wax moth is considered a huge pest in Europe, because it acts as a parasite in bee colonies.

24 April 2017 – Science & Environment
By Helen Briggs, BBC News
By Helen Briggs, BBC News
A caterpillar that munches on plastic bags could hold the key to tackling plastic pollution, scientists say.

Tuesday 25 April 2017 19.41 BST
By Ian Sample Science editor, theguardian
By Ian Sample Science editor, theguardian
Plastic-eating worms could help wage war on waste
Wax moth larvae are usually bred as fish bait, but a chance discovery has revealed their taste for plastic – which could be used to beat polluting plastic

April 27, 2017
By Jonah Engel Bromwich, The New York Times
By Jonah Engel Bromwich, The New York Times
A Very Hungry Caterpillar Eats Plastic Bags, Researchers Say
Scientists have discovered that a caterpillar used for fishing bait may hold the key to breaking down plastics.

Par Nathaniel Herzberg, Le Monde
Par Nathaniel Herzberg, Le Monde
Une chenille dévoreuse de plastique fait rêver les scientifiques
La fausse teigne de la cire est capable d’engloutir le polyéthylène, un produit particulièrement résistant, largement utilisé dans l’emballage.

April 24, 2017
By GrrlScientist, CONTRIBUTOR
By GrrlScientist, CONTRIBUTOR
These Very Hungry Caterpillars Can Eat Your Plastic Trash
Is the real solution to our rapidly growing mountains of plastic trash lurking in the guts of the caterpillars that we feed to our pet birds and lizards?

April 24, 2017 at 5:53 PM
By Ben Guarino, The Washington Post
By Ben Guarino, The Washington Post
These pesky caterpillars seem to digest plastic bags
The shopping bag is an infamous source of plastic pollution. The 2010 documentary “Bag It” estimated that Americans use 102 billion plastic bags per year.

25 Aprile 2017
By Giuliano Aluffi, la Repubblica
By Giuliano Aluffi, la Repubblica
Biologa italiana scopre il bruco che mangia la plastica: “Così è nata per caso la mia ricerca”
Ha visto i vermi forare in poco tempo un sacchetto di polietilene, materiale che in natura si smaltisce in più di 400 anni. Ora si potrà individuare l’enzima o il batterio che fa digerire alla larva la sostanza inquinante

April 24, 2017 at 5:00 PM
By Henry Bodkin, The Telegraph
By Henry Bodkin, The Telegraph
Plastic-eating wax worm ‘extremely exciting’ for global pollution crisis
The global plastic bag pollution crisis could be solved by a waxworm capable of eating through the material at “uniquely high speeds”, scientists have announced

Monday 24 April 2017
By Libby Plummer, Wired
By Libby Plummer, Wired
The very hungry caterpillar: these plastic-eating wax worms could solve our pollution problem
The discovery could dramatically reduce the amount of pollution caused by plastic

24 abr. 2017 20:52
By Mónica Timón, El Mundo
By Mónica Timón, El Mundo
El gusano que come plástico
El problema del plástico es mundial. Hace poco conocíamos que las corrientes oceánicas arrastran toneladas de microplásticos desde las cosas del Atlántico Norte hasta las aguas del Ártico

April 24, 2017
By John Dyer, Seeker
By John Dyer, Seeker